A1 car route

A1 car route

Way of traveling: Route distance: 46 km Duration of the route: 5.5 h.
Asphalt: 90% Forest path: 10%

Ring-shaped half day car route that starts in Palūšė.

The route is made up mainly of asphalted roads.

Palūšė - Ginučiai. The route starts at Aukštaitija National Park Visitor Centre. Turn left from the parking lot and drive towards Šakarva in south-western direction. After approximately 3 km you will arrive at Šakarva village. Leaving the village behind, turn right towards Kirdeikiai. At the crossroad, you can take a look at the 12 c. barrows. On your way, you can stop at Kaukiškė parking lot and admire the view of the lakes Lūšykštis and Lūšiai. After 1.5 km from Kaukiškė, you will reach a crossroad. Go straight and after another 2 km, turn right at the crossroad towards Ladakalnis and Ginučiai Mound. After admiring the views that open up from Ladakalnis, we also suggest climbing Ginučiai Mound, which also reveals impressive views. Proceed towards the village of Ginučiai.

Ginučiai - Kirdeikiai. In the village, turn left at the crossroad. After leaving the village of Ginučiai behind, you will soon arrive at Šiliniškės Observation Tower, which will be on the right side of the road. After 3 km down the road, you will reach a crossroad where you need to turn right. After 400 m, there will be another crossroad. Turn right again and drive towards Kirdeikiai. In Kirdeikiai, there is a church worth seeing.

Kirdeikiai - Stripeikiai - Ginučiai. Having passed the village of Kirdeikiai, turn right and go in the direction of Stripeikiai village. Drive along the gravel road up to the village of Stripeikiai. Turn right at the crossroad in the village, and after 500 m you will arrive at the Museum of Ancient Beekeeping. After visiting the museum, proceed along the gravel road. On your way you can stop to see around Papliaušys Hollow Pine, and Papliaušys Spring. After approximately 5 km from the museum, you will get to an asphalted road. Near this crossroad, at the right side of the road, there are Ginučiai barrows in the forest. After taking the right turn, you will arrive to Ginučiai village, and beside the main street, you will see the watermill.

Ginučiai - Vaišniūnai. After visiting the exhibition, go back to the approaches of the village. Proceed along the main asphalted road. In Trainiškis village, you can see the remains of a 800-year-old oak, who fell down during a storm in 2016. From Trainiškis village, go in the eastern direction. After approximately 2.5 km, you will approach Medžiukalnis Spring. It is on the right side of the road. There is a path leading to the spring. Proceed along the asphalted road, and after approximately 400 m you will see Vaišniūnai, Medžiukalnis barrows on the left side of the road. Going further in the eastern direction you will arrive at Vaišniūnai village there you will see Vaišniūnai Oak by the road.

Vaišniūnai - Palūšė. At the crossroad where the village ends, turn right and go towards Ignalina. After 4.6 km from this crossroad you will drive out of the forest. On your right you will see a small asphalted road. After 0.5 km down this road you will see Gaveikėnai mill. After seeing over the watermill, go back to the main road and turn right at the crossroad. After 1.5 km you will get a crossroad. Turn right. After 2 km you will come to Palūšė. On the right side of the road, near Lūšiai lake, you will see Palūšė campsite.

Route start.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 3.8 km
Šakarva II barrows
 The barrows are located near the channel between Šakarvai and Žeimenys lakes. There are about 40 barrows. The diameter of the mounds is 8-15 m, the height is up to 1 m. The burial mounds were used in the 9-12th centuries.
Duration: < 1 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 4.1 km
Parking Kaukiškė
 A place to rest when traveling by car, bus or other road vehicle, this site offers a beautiful panoramic view of Lūšykštis and Lūšiai lakes. If weather conditions are favourable, even the Palūšė Church can be seen from here. Benches and tables are arranged on well-kept grounds. Also, a sculpture - "The Roadworker" by Ignalina's sculptors Jonas Grunda and Raimundas Žievys - stands here.
Duration: 1 h.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 1.4 km
Antalksnė sculpture ensemble
 "God is" stands on Antalksnė Sculpture Hill. It is a project by three artists for the Antalksnė village community and visitors. In 2007, an ensemble of three sculptures was built: a chanting rooster, the suffering of Christ, and a flowering ladder.
Duration: 30 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 3.3 km
 The legendary Ladakalnis is the most famous sight of Aukštaitija National Park. The hill stands at 176 meters above sea level and is part of the Šilinškės Ridge. From Ladakalnis a wonderful panorama of 6 lakes can be seen. It is believed that this hill served as a place for pagan sacrifices to the Baltic goddess Lada - the great Mother. Ladakalnis is declared a geomorphological monument of nature.
Duration: 25 min.
Ginučiai and Papiliakalnė mounds
 This 9-12th century archaeological monument was used for defence purposes in the first millennium AD. The mound complex is located in the middle section of the massive Šiliniškės Ridge. The famous Linkmenys castle, which was mentioned in the Livonia Chronicles by H. Vartberge  in 1373, stood here during the 13-15th centuries. Supposedly, the castle was ruled by Mindaugas' nephew in the 13th century. A memorial stone stands on the mound in memory of President Antanas Smetona.
Duration: 30 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 2.3 km
Šiliniškės observation tower
 The Telecommunications tower was built in 2004. Its height is 60 m. The observation platform is 30 m above ground level. It provides a panoramic view of about 280°.
Duration: 20 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 4 km
 Kirdeikiai is a village on the western edge of the Park. A library is located in the multifunctional center of the settlement, in which interactive exhibits are held. Also, there is a museum exposition, where you can get acquainted with the local famous people, see the traditional things that were used in everyday life. The Church of St. John the Baptist was built and consecrated in 1927. The building is characterized by eclectic architecture. Near the church, at the bank of Pakasas Lake, there is an ensemble of wooden sculptures.
Duration: 20 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 3.3 km
Pakasas water mill
 The watermill was built in the 19th century. The building has two storeys: the ground floor and foundation are constructed of stones, and the upper floor is wooden and covered by upright boards.
Duration: < 1 min.
Beekeeping Museum
Welcome to finding us in the forest, in Stripeikiai village. In this village, whose centuries-old past is evidenced by chronicles from the 14th century; where people have long been friends with bees, collecting honey and wax. The Museum of Ancient Beekeeping was established here in 1984. Its creator, Bronislovas Kazlas, a bright remembrance, has dreamed since childhood that the message of all that is alive is holy; that all things are interconnected, and that through these connections the meaning of life is revealed. Here's a bee: a small insect that flies between flowers, picks nectar, and at the same time carries fruitful plant...
Duration: 1 h.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 4.8 km
Ginučiai Watermill
 Ginučiai watermill is protected as the nineteenth century technical monument. In the northern part of the building is the Museum exposition, and the southern part has double-guest rooms with modern amenities. They can accommodate up to 8 people. Double room costs € 50 per night.  In the cozy kitchen you can prepare your own meals or have lunch at the cafes during the summer. The mill is equipped with a sauna, where you can relax and cool down under the waterfall. 
Duration: 15 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 3.8 km
Trainiškis oak
 Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) stood in Trainiškis village, which is located on the shore of Baluošas lake. Trunk girth - 6.1 m. Height - 23 m. Age - approximately 700-800 years. Unfortunately, it got knocked down during a storm on the 5th of October, 2016. It was the oldest tree in the territory of the park. In the spring of 2017 a young oak tree was planted beside the old Trainiškis Oak stump.
Duration: < 1 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 1.7 km
Medžiukalnis spring
 This spring has been known by the local people for a long time. They say that it is enough to drink a single glass of water from this spring and you won't feel thirsty or hungry for the rest of the day. The spring is running on really high energy, because it comes to the surface almost at the top of the hill. The source is approximately 160 m above the sea level, whereas the water level of the closest Dringis lake is only 138.5 m above the sea level.
Duration: 15 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 7 km
Gaveikėnai water mill
 The watermill was built in the late 19th century. The building itself has one storey, and there is a basement and an attic. A part of the old mill equipment has still remained here. Since 2007, the building of the mill belongs to Vilnius archdiocese.
Duration: < 1 min.
Duration: < 10 min. Distance: 4.3 km
Exposition of the Visitor Centre in Palūšė
The main topic of the display is "People of the Lakes". It presents ancient, as well as modern ways of fishing, rafting and swimming cattle to pastures. The display is oriented towards visitors of various ages and interests. It will help you to plan your own route around the park. While parents are busy with planning, kids can practice catching fish or "making" signal fire. Visitors Center Working Time: II-V from 8 am to 5 pm; VI from 10 am to 3 pm; VII-I  - closed.  
Duration: 30 min.